1:1 Strategy and consulting with Krystel Stacey

I'm a serial entrepreneur, product leader, and women's empowerment advocate. I help you define your vision & create a plan to achieve it.

You're feeling stuck, plateaued and overworked in your own business. You don't know what you need to do or who to ask because there's so much going on that it all just looks like a blur? It might be time for some expert coaching help! Fill out our questionnaire and we'll get an idea of your priorities. 

How I can help you

Sign me up!

Giving you guidance, resources, and a takeaway list of strategies that you can implement into your business. 

Let's go!

Do you need...

a fresh perspective on where to go next with your company without the pressure of having to figure it all out yourself?

Well, we are here for this exact purpose! You do not have to go on this journey alone. Sometimes as entrepreneurs, taking some time away from our day to day work can really help you focus on the big picture and create a road-map for the companies future. One-on-One consulting will help you think more strategically about how to best reverse engineer your goals while continuing to move forward. Expert coaching is individualized and tailor-fit to meet your purpose and key business priority. 

After checking out: 

You will experience productive and efficient meetings, like you never have before! This package includes six hours of strategy and consulting tailor-fit for you.

YOUR investment

You will fill out an onboarding questionnaire, so I can get to know you and your business better before we begin. 

Krystel will dedicate two hours to research & strategy studies before the meeting in preparation for maximum impact. 

The remaining 4 hours will be spent face-to-face consulting.
This can be done on zoom or in person at your favorite cafĂ© (within 30 miles of San Diego). 

I'm ready, let's do this!


EXPERT Business Strategist


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